The Western Cape College 2022 Enrolment Interviews will take place in our Information Resource Centre (Library) located on our Eastern Campus.
To schedule an enrolment interview via our online booking system, please use the following links:
Primary -
Junior Secondary -
Senior Secondary -
The online booking system will close on Sunday 16 January 2022. To schedule an enrolment interview after online bookings have closed, please contact the Administration Office on 07 4090 6444.
If you are enrolling a Primary and Secondary student, two separate interviews are required, one with a Primary Deputy Principal and the other with a Secondary Deputy Principal. Please note: there are no enrolment interviews for Secondary students on Friday 21 January 2022.
Thursday 20 January 2022 Friday 21 January 2022
Secondary 9:00am – 4:30pm Primary 11:30am – 3:30pm
Primary 2:30pm – 4:30pm
At least 72 hours prior to your scheduled enrolment interview, please email your completed enrolment paperwork to our Enrolments Officer at for checking and processing. Alternatively, on the day of your interview, please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled interview time so our Enrolments Officer can check your enrolment paperwork.