Western Cape College Special Education Program (SEP) is an educational service that provides a range of support for students identified as having a disability. Students identified with a disability through Education Queensland’s verification processes are supported within our program in the areas of:
• Intellectual Disability (ID)
• Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
• Speech-Language Impairment (SLI)
• Hearing Impairment (HI)
• Vision Impairment (VI)
• Physical Impairment (PI)
Differentiated instruction involves teaching that is adjusted to take into account the individual differences and needs of all students to maximise their learning potential. A whole school approach directs support to different levels of student needs.

Our curriculum will vary on the individual needs of the students and reflects the Australian curriculum. We cater for students from Prep to year 12, including EDCP, delivering inclusive support with students in regular classrooms and direct intensive intervention. In our support centre, where students work individually or in small groups we deliver highly individualised programs for students with particular educational needs. Intensive teaching occurs in our Auslan program for our Deaf students. Our highly individualised programs include literacy, numeracy, communication, social development, work experience and life skills.
Our centre works in partnership with students, families and community organisations to plan and support successful transitions for post-school opportunities. We offer a flexible certification process whereby all students can gain a QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education) or QCIA (Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement). The QCIA is an alternate senior pathway designed for students with a disability that require a highly individualised program in the senior years. The QCIA is an official record that a student has completed 12 years of education. It summarises the student’s skills and competencies for employers and training providers.
Our students have access to Education Queensland Advisory Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists and Physiotherapists, other specialists and organisations as required. Special Education Teachers work collaboratively with all stakeholders to make educational adjustments that provide the most appropriate learning experiences for specific needs of each student.
At Western Cape College we believe that every child has the capacity to learn, that all children should have access to a quality education, and that the social-emotional development of the child is just as important as the academic.