
Boarding enrolments


Enrolling as a boarding student at Western Cape College is an easy 5 step process:

  1. Please contact our Residential Campus directly for any enrolment enquires on 07 4090 5333 or email
  2. Submit a completed application to register student in state school operated residential boarding facility Ensure that you have applied for ABSTUDY for your student as this is a prerequisite for boarding and travel.
  3. The application will be considered by the WCC enrolments team and the student will be accepted for interview or the application declined.
  4. If the application is approved,  WCRC will apply to ABSTUDY for travel for your student to attend an interview at Western Cape College.
  5. On completion of a successful interview, your student will meet with relevant College teaching staff to confirms subject selections, etc. and agree on a commencement date.
  6. Students will then return to their community to pack, ensuring they read the What to Bring information sheet.
We then look forward to welcoming your student to Western Cape College.  The fees associated with a boarding enrolment can be covered by eligible ABSTUDY claims, education assistance Bursaries, or parent contributions.  All enquiries must be made directly with the bursary providers or ABSTUDY.

Last reviewed 25 October 2024
Last updated 25 October 2024